The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle: Could It Be True?


We’ve all heard of the Bermuda Triangle, but that doesn’t mean you know everything about it. You may have read that it’s a region in the North Atlantic Ocean that has been the site of numerous shipwrecks and other unexplained disappearances. And, as with any unsolved mystery, there are plenty of rumors about what exactly caused this mysterious phenomenon and why it happens to so many ships in particular. Here, we look at some common myths about the Bermuda Triangle and try to separate fact from fiction so you can form your own opinion about this mysterious area of the ocean.

First Sightings

Strange disappearances and mysteries have been occurring in the area known as the Bermuda Triangle since 1945. The first recorded incident was in 1945, when five Navy torpedo bombers vanished while flying over the triangle, according to National Geographic. At least one of them is thought to have crashed near San Juan, Puerto Rico. Though an extensive search turned up no wreckage, some of the planes' parts were later found on a beach in Florida. 

In March 1962, four days after departing from Fort Lauderdale on their way to Miami for a storm system that threatened Florida's west coast, two ships - the SS Marine Sulphur Queen and her escort ship - vanished from radar screens after a message that they were experiencing difficulty with their compasses.

Science Behind Holes in Space-Time

As you may know, the Earth is surrounded by magnetic fields that are created by the flow of molten iron in the Earth's outer core. Scientists say these magnetic fields are what keep us safe from cosmic radiation, but what if these magnetic field lines were suddenly disrupted like they were in an event called a geomagnetic reversal? The sudden change in magnetism would cause satellite orbits to go haywire, which could have devastating consequences for human-made technology. That's why some people believe that this disruption of space-time could be causing certain things to disappear without a trace.

Accidents Happen

The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have been around for a long time. For centuries, people have been baffled by the idea that so many ships go missing in such a small area. There are many different theories as to what could be causing this phenomenon, but no one knows for sure what is going on. Although many think this is just an urban legend, there are some things that make it seem more plausible than you might think. 

For example, out of the twenty most popular routes in the world where planes go missing, four of them are right near or over the Bermuda Triangle. This may not seem like much at first, but when you consider how many flights take off every day and how rare it is for these accidents to happen in other places, then it becomes more significant.

Red Herring - Airplanes

There are many theories about the cause of these disappearances, including bad weather, pirates, and whirlpools. But the most popular theory is that there's a huge field of sea floor in the middle of the triangle that has never been mapped. That's because this area is in 3,000 feet of water and it's very difficult to map with satellites. There are also lots of shipwrecks and other debris that could be blocking radar signals which could have something to do with these disappearances as well.

Does Time Warp Us into Parallel Universes ?

The Bermuda Triangle is a region of the Atlantic Ocean where ships and airplanes have disappeared. The triangle spans roughly 700,000 square miles of ocean, but some have suggested that the area might be marked by a time warp into another parallel universe. In this theory, there would be two versions of Earth--the one we know and one with subtle differences in things like gravity or the flow of time. One theory is that when planes fly over such an area, they get caught in a rip current and are pulled into the alternate reality.

Today, scientists and theorists are still trying to figure out what's going on in this mysterious part of our world.

Is Something in Our Mind Affecting the Weather ?

There's been a lot of research on the subject, and scientists have come up with a few different theories. One thing that seems to be a common thread is that there are anomalies in the magnetic field over the area. Plus, some people even argue that there are certain spots where our thoughts affect the weather. There's even evidence of this in science fiction, like when Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker Only a fully trained Jedi Knight, with the Force as his ally, will conquer Vader and his Emperor. This is an example of how our thoughts can potentially affect reality around us.

Can We Really Disappear Completely From Earth ?

I've heard about the infamous Bermuda Triangle, but I never really knew what it was. Well, turns out this mysterious place is an area in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes go missing every year. The triangle has been around since the 1800s and has been studied over 200 times by scientists. And while they still can't figure out what causes all these disappearances, some believe that UFOs or aliens are to blame.