The 10 keys to success that people always overlook

 Everyone wants to be successful in life, but so few people want to work on being successful! With   these ten keys to success that people always overlook, you’ll learn how to finally reach your goals         and leave the rest of the world in the dust! Are you ready? Here we go!

1) Focus on improving your weaknesses, not your strengths

Achieving excellence isn't about doing things you're good at. It's about being your best self, no matter what. To be a successful person, you need to find out what your weaknesses are and work on them until they become strengths. If you can do this, then the odds of success will be in your favor because you'll be able to do more than one thing well.

2) Take risks and learn from them

Risk-taking is a part of life and how we learn. If we didn't take risks, then we would never know what could have happened if we did. 

It's important to take risks so that you can learn from them. For example, when I was in my first year of university, I made the decision to change my major. It was scary because I had no idea what kind of career opportunities it would provide me with and whether or not it would be successful. But after making this change, I discovered something about myself: teaching is something I am passionate about and want to pursue for the rest of my life. 

If you don't take risks, you will never know what could have happened if you did!

3) Don’t be afraid of change

Don't be afraid of change. Often times it can be the most difficult thing in the world, but it also could be the best thing you could do for yourself. For example, I've been working in the same job for a long time and I just feel as if it's not something I want to do anymore. So rather than stick with something I'm unhappy with, I'm going to take a risk on changing my career path and see how things go from there. One of my friends is really good at cooking and she teaches classes about cooking healthy meals at home. She loves doing it so much that she has quit her job and started teaching cooking classes full-time!

4) Don’t compare yourself to others

We're all different with different backgrounds, and it's important to know what that means for our own lives. Focus on your strengths, and work on your weaknesses with the help of a mentor or coach. 

We are all unique individuals. Not everyone is going to have the same experiences, enjoy the same things, or be able to do the same things as you. You can't live someone else's life - you have your own journey and it's up to you how far you want to take it. 

Focus on yourself and what you want for yourself - not what other people want for themselves. Know your worth, know your goals, know who you are as a person and go after them with everything in you!

5) Have a support system

It is crucial you have a support system in place. Support systems come in all shapes and sizes. They can be friends, family, mentors, or trusted advisors. One of the most important pieces of advice we can offer is this: find someone who has been through what you are going through and ask them how they got through it. Your issues might be different than theirs but the process may still hold some merit for you. Even if not, hearing from someone who has experienced a similar situation will help provide perspective on your own situation.

6) Keep pushing on through when you don’t want to

When I started my first business, it was a struggle. I had been working at a job for years that made me miserable and I yearned to have my own company. But when I finally took the leap, things didn't turn out as I expected. The first few months were a bit tough financially and I was constantly exhausted from working so much. Friends complained about their day-to-day lives and often told me how lucky I was. But despite these challenges, all the hard work paid off in the end because my company is now thriving!

7) Get enough sleep

Sleep is an often overlooked key to success. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need seven hours of sleep a night for optimal performance. Not only does sleep improve the brain’s ability to store information, but it also helps the mind focus on tasks and blocks out distractions. A lack of sleep can lead to health problems like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. With all these benefits, it’s easy see why sleep should be considered one of the top keys when striving for success.

8) Realize you are stronger than you think

One of the most important keys for success is being able to work hard and relax. Yes, you should be doing your best at all times, but you also need a break from time-to-time. In order to achieve balance in life and in business, it's important to take some time off every once in awhile. Not only does this help reduce stress and improve concentration when you're back at work, but it can also help improve creativity. Plus, if you're not happy with your job or company, taking some time off can help you see what else is out there.

9) Surround yourself with positive people

Surround yourself with positive people. If you're surrounded by negative people, it's going to be hard for you to succeed. Positive people will motivate you and lift your spirits when needed. By surrounding yourself with these types of individuals, they will help push you in the right direction and give you the confidence boost that is necessary.

10) Work hard, but also relax and have fun.

In order to grow and be successful, it is important to work hard and also take time for yourself. Take time every day for your own personal well-being. This can include relaxation activities, exercise, or just taking some time for yourself. It is important not to neglect your mental health in favor of working hard all the time. When you are relaxed and enjoying what you do, your ability to produce quality work will improve too.